4 months old- 15lbs and 11.5 ounces
Holden was 4 months old on September 8. He has the best little personality and is starting to discover a lot of things around him. He is so strong and wants to sit up so badly! His new things are blowing bubbles, playing with his monkey and cookie monster, playing with his newly found feet, and talking nonstop in the cutest little voice. He seems to learn something new every day. We think the prevacid is beginning to help him with the reflux. When he feels good, he just plays and giggles!! Can't believe it has already been 4 months, but they have been wonderful!!! Happy 4 months lil man!!! You are loved sooooooooo much!!
Cutie pie!! OUR greatest blessing!!
Loving his cereal!!
Chillin' with his new friend cookie! He LOVES him!!
Watching football--he LOVES it!!
Cute, cute! They are so much fun at that age :)
Hello Walters family! Holden is too cute! I cannot believe he is already 4 months old! So glad we found your blog--we can keep up now! Ours is trimmscarbrough.blogspot.com! Hope all is well!
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