18 lbs/15 ounces(1 ounce away from 19!!) and 27 inches long
(he grew an inch and gained almost a pound in November!!)
We are having so much fun with Holden!! Its hard to believe that 7 months have passed already!! He has such a great personality and is easily entertained! He still loves to play on the floor with his toys which makes us so excited about Santa! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse, Sesame Street, and the Backyardigans.....he loves the colors and the music. We let him watch them when we are fixing his breakfast in the morning and for a little bit after. Of course he loves his food and is really into books now. We read them to him, but he is more interested in chewing on the pages or turning the pages. It is so fun to watch him try to figure out how to do things or pick things up. He is very inquisitive and will watch things so intently. The Christmas tree, decorative reindeer, and Wilson are his favorite things to stare down. He can go from the seated position to his tummy and push himself up on his front hands and kick his feet. He hasn't figured out how to get up on his knees yet so he basically looks like a fish. He has also started pulling himself up on things. He may be one of those who walks soon after he crawls. Poor mommy!! He still loves to watch football but prefers to do it while playing with his toys. No teeth yet although he has been teething for 3 months now. You can feel three trying to come in...poor baby!! He loves to swing and be outdoors.He is steadily learning new sounds and octaves. When we go shopping or anywhere he talks to everyone and smiles his killer smile. Jack and I are so grateful for the blessing he is and for the absolute joy he brings to each day!! When he hugs us or snuggles up in our arms, we melt. Thank you Lord for our baby boy!!
watching mickey mouse
cheese again!!!!!!!!!!
Love those eyes!
such a beautiful baby! Ditto Cindy-those eyes!!!
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