Holden and his Bossy(Jack's daddy)
A lot was going on during this time and I feel horrible for not having more pics of Holden! The day he was two weeks old was the day Jack received his white, long doctor coat. The day after that, he graduated from medical school and officially became Dr. Jackson Lee Walters. We are so proud of daddy!!! After graduation, the family gathered at our house for lunch. The following Tuesday, we visited the pediatrician for the first time. She is awesome and she gave Holden an A+++. We go back in July for the first round of shots. He weighed 9 lbs. 6 ounces. Then on Friday, we traveled to Clarksdale for my cousin's wedding. While at Jack's parent's house, Holden watched the mobile in his crib there for the first time and loved it!! We got back to Jackson on Sunday and Jack left for Scotland on Monday for a golf trip with his dad. This was a graduation present. It will be a two week trip. excuse me for posting so many collages. It makes it easier to share a lot of pics. :)
Well, when we went for Holden's two day check up at the hospital, his billie ruben level was high which meant that he had jaundice. We had to take the billie blanket home and keep him on it for three days. He did really well with it, especially since it was attached to him at all times, except when he had a diaper change. He looked so cute in his diaper and billie blanket. We called him glow baby because it had a fluorescent light that made him glow.